The Process....
Typically a board takes about 40 hours to build. This can be completed over a week with a couple of shorter additional visits for the glassing process but the schedule is relatively flexible to fit with your other demands in life. There is no kit, we start with planks of wood and a plan and finish with a board ready for wax.
I only work with one person at a time and together we will cut out the pieces, shape and glass your board. Don't worry if you have never used hand or power tools before, you'll soon get the hang of them. We will make your board together at your pace. You will be so satisfied at the end.
There are a variety of great places to stay in Oakhill: campsites, pubs, Airbnbs etc. Castle Cary Station is 15 minutes away and i'm happy to pick-up and drop-off if you are travelling from London for instance.